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God Doesn't Make Mistakes

For Amanda

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


So this is Amanda when she is not feeling well, she really hates the camera, she sees it and gets so angry with me.
Amanda and Meghan; neither one like to look at the camera, Kara though, loves having her picture taken, can you tell?
My unhappy girl after her bath, boy was she mad at me, she is hot and cold with liking her bath. She just is not herself, not the sweet, easygoing little miss in Estonia, if this is a virus, it will pass, meanwhile, i got to rock her to sleep last night, and she hugged me close, that is bonding progress, but I hate the reason why, so hard to see her miserable.

Amanda's issues with drinking, it upset me. I add milk to her yogurt and juice to her fruit to make sure she gets enough fluids. With 5-6 wet diapers a day, I think she is well hydrated, but I still feel like she needs more because we live in a very hot place.

I will definitely be open to your suggestions, as this is new to me, although Kara will only drink juices, we have managed to water them down to 1/2 juice 1/2 water. Kara has gotten chubby, and we don;t want her getting too fat, it is an issue with kids with Ds. I am pretty certain both girls only received fluids with meals, and suppose it may have to do with the staff trying to save on diapers-washing. I just don't know, I do know that Kara was extremely thirsty when I visited her at the orphanage and dug through my bag to get her juice every time I came.


Leah Spring said...

Couple of thoughts: About not looking at the camera...if I tell Angela, "Smile!" or some version of "look at the camera) she looks at the ground. Instead I have to say something funny to her and not say ANYTHING about looking at the camera. But if I look at her and say something like, "Can you say ooga booga boo?" in a really silly voice? This gets her giggle and I can snap a quick picture. Any picture on my website where she's smiling is taking this way.

Drinking liquids: What about thickening them with 'Thick-it" or one of the other similar products out there? Could it be that she's aspirating some and so she's not comfortable drinking? (especially since aspiration is so common among our kids) I don't know about the newer thickening agents, but with Thick-it, even though you might thicken to a pudding consitancy, you're not changing the liquid molecule so they're still getting a liquid. (kind of along the lines that eating a Popsicle is still liquid.) When she does drink, what does she do? (I'm sure you've posted this before, but I've forgotten.)

Arizona mom to eight said...

I tell Meghan "Cheese" and she will look at me, but Amanda pulls her focus because she is not looking at me, and Meghan wants her to. Getting all three to look at me is going to take some work. With amanda I meow and bark and she looks up and laughs, but Meghan does not respond to that, Kara thinks it is hilarious, but she laughs at everything.

I read Charissa's post about Ava drinking with applesauce and yogurt in her cup, I feed those to Amanda with a spoon, so far a cup is beyond her, but we will not give up! Thank you for your help Leah, it is a good start for me.

GoldenAngelsWorks said...

Those pics are so cute. That sick Amanda pics make you want to pick her up and cuddle her better.

My three little girls

My three little girls
Finally got all three to smile at once