OK Gymboree friends, i am line mixing. :o) I dd not bring a lot of things and the pants are too large for sweet Amanda. The top that is falling off of her is a 2T.

She has so many precious expressions, such a beautiful little face. She can also make a face that looks like Popeye, it makes us laugh. I have not caught it yet.

Laughing and playing with mama. She really is beginning to get used to being here, to her, this is home, and she will be moved yet again. You can tell she is happy to get here, she squeals with happiness when I sit her on the floor and immediately crab crawls to her toys.

You can see that she is a tall little girl, so many tall and very thin women here, I feel so short and fat around them. I so need to get back to work and lose some weight.

Yes, the sleeves hang past her arms, she kept pulling them back, finally changed her into a different outfit when we went to get her Visa.

I loved her in this pose, she looks so childlike and vulnerable, makes you want to protect her.

The kitchen is her favorite place, she looks at her reflection on the oven door and smiles and laughs. She also opens and shuts the drawer repeatedly and squeals at at pitch think only dogs can hear. :o)
I really do love this apartment, it is so spacious and very clean, pretty. The elevator is puny, the locks drive me nuts, but it is a very special place.
She looks so beautiful in these pictures.
I'm so happy you got all the paperwork today. I wish you could get home sooner, but two days isn't much. Enjoy your last week there.
Oh Kris, today's pictures are so special. Amanda looks content.:) How are you gonna protect that fair, fair skin in the Arizona sun?
We are going to have to be careful with her for a while, they usually cannot tan when they are this fair. Meghan and Kara refuse to go outside during the heat of the day, so I imagine Amanda will be the same. They can't take the heat, I understand, it is harder on me since I got "older" too. :o)
So glad to hear everything is going so well! I know you can not wait to go home
She is just way too cute for words!
I love the way you are sharing so much with us about Amanda's adjustment and how things are going there. She's such a pretty little girl! Can't wait to hear that you're home!
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