We had Good Samaritans help us again with our carry-on luggage, thank goodness for kind people. When we arrived in Arlandia Sweden we were pleasantly surprised with our seats, we had been upgraded to first class. An answer to prayers. Amanda was doted on by all and I got to tell her story, tell them about Reece's Rainbow, and eat, drink, and sleep very well.
Amanda did not sleep until we have 4 hours left in our trip, she ate as soon as we got on the plane and did not cry, or fuss, was perfectly content. I slept a little after she, but really did not sleep until we got on an almost empty plane to Arizona. We had three seats and Amanda stretched out and fell fast asleep, I gratefully slept beside her.

This very sweet woman helped Amanda and I all the way to passport check. Amanda was sobbing inconsolably by this point, she had her food, a diaper change, and I tried to hold her, nothing made her happy, she was just overwrought, and who can blame her. She perked up after about an hour of crying.
After we finally made our way to our gate, we saw a mommy and her adorable baby, I looked at her daughter smiling and realized her daughter had Down syndrome! They were headed to the national convention. She said she also has a son, aged 3. She mentioned she had friends who were adopting children with Down syndrome, we are all connected, aren't we?
Amanda is in her new crib (thanks Becky and Cheryl) sleeping. I am following her to bed. The room is beginning to spin, I am so tired.
First class, wow!! It sounds like the trip went as well as it possibly could have. God is good. So glad you are home. I hope you get lots of hugs today from those girls you missed so much!!!
Praise God you are home.
I am so thankful you are both home safely. What a wonderful surprise to be moved to first class. I am so glad you came across so many wonderful people that were willing to help you. How amazing to find several people that had a connection to you through DS.
We finally got our rain last night that we were dying for. So enjoy the time with your complete family. May God Bless and Enrich your family with much joy and love.
Welcome home!!! I am so happy to hear your trip went well. I cannot wait to see how Amanda thrives at home! I look forward to seeing pictures of all of your kids together!!!
Thank you so much for updating. I am sure you would rather be in bed. My thought were with you all day yesterday wondering where you were in your flight. I am so glad that you and Amanda had a good flight. I cant even begin to imagine flying for that long much less we with a litttle one. I am so glad that you found nice people to help you along the way. Sharing Amanda story along the way how awesome is that. You will have to tell us what the litle girls think of Amanda once you get some reat. HAVE A GREAT FIRST DAY AT HOME.
carol n
yes Kris....Praise the Lord! Glad you both are home safe and sound! First class, oh wow....that must have been awesome and full of room!
Glad your home and cant wait to see a pic of ALL your girls together.
Thank God for first class! I am so glad the trip home went well. Amanda is an absolute doll! Congrats!
I'm so glad that you are home and the flight went smoothly!!!
Oh man I am crying. That is so sad about the womans daughter.
Serendipity! Sometimes things just fall into place just right.
I'm glad that you're safely home and hope that you manage to get a little rest.
That is just the sweetest picture of Amanda smiling!! I'm glad you're home now and that the flying went well. God gave you a hug with that first class seating and an understanding fellow passenger! How wonderful!
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