Things happen, sometimes when we count on something or someone they let us down, and we are worried that we will be by the agency we applied for a grant with.
Since we got our travel date more than three weeks ago, I called them 3 times; never got a reply to the messages I left. I emailed them three times, got a return email to me with no reply, I was asking if they received our application because the check I wrote for the application fee had not cleared yet.
I finally got an email yesterday, Friday the 13, and our 30Th wedding anniversary (yesterday was a strange day, with highs and lows) the reply was not encouraging and I have nervous flutters in my belly. The agency helped us when we adopted from Ukraine, they were so helpful and kind and we were very grateful to them. The grant was a Godsend and came to us just in the nick of time, since we left for Ukraine with only a week to prepare, the agency had to vote early whether to give us a grant or not, thankfully they said yes!
Their email on Friday said when they were meeting and that we would know if we got the grant on June 20, we leave for Estonia on June 21, so I do not think that is going to help us, do you? I emailed back thanking them for considering us, because let's face it, they did not have to. I mentioned that we were leaving the day after and they emailed back that we would have to wait.
There are 60 other applicants this term to the agency. Sixty is an awful lot of couples hoping this agency will help them. I know the struggles so many adoptive families face with the financial aspect of adoption, especially if like us; they are adopting two so close to one another.
So of course I am thinking that since they helped us already in November, the chances of them doing this for us again are pretty slim. I do not want to think negatively at all, but realistically I can see we are at a disadvantage here.
I have spent so many days praying that the grant would come through, and I felt that it would, and it COULD still, but I have no way of counting on it.
I was not going to put this in our blog, but decided that all of the difficulties of adopting should be included in it. Finances are one of the main reasons couples give up on adoption, and it is the children who suffer, but God knows us, and knows we will not give up and we will remain steadfast in our commitment to adopt Amanda. We have purchased our airline tickets, we have our hotel reservation and deposit paid, and we have a court date; we will get everything else we need before we leave next Saturday!
If you could pray with us this next week we would appreciate it.
I finally got an email yesterday, Friday the 13, and our 30Th wedding anniversary (yesterday was a strange day, with highs and lows) the reply was not encouraging and I have nervous flutters in my belly. The agency helped us when we adopted from Ukraine, they were so helpful and kind and we were very grateful to them. The grant was a Godsend and came to us just in the nick of time, since we left for Ukraine with only a week to prepare, the agency had to vote early whether to give us a grant or not, thankfully they said yes!
Their email on Friday said when they were meeting and that we would know if we got the grant on June 20, we leave for Estonia on June 21, so I do not think that is going to help us, do you? I emailed back thanking them for considering us, because let's face it, they did not have to. I mentioned that we were leaving the day after and they emailed back that we would have to wait.
There are 60 other applicants this term to the agency. Sixty is an awful lot of couples hoping this agency will help them. I know the struggles so many adoptive families face with the financial aspect of adoption, especially if like us; they are adopting two so close to one another.
So of course I am thinking that since they helped us already in November, the chances of them doing this for us again are pretty slim. I do not want to think negatively at all, but realistically I can see we are at a disadvantage here.
I have spent so many days praying that the grant would come through, and I felt that it would, and it COULD still, but I have no way of counting on it.
I was not going to put this in our blog, but decided that all of the difficulties of adopting should be included in it. Finances are one of the main reasons couples give up on adoption, and it is the children who suffer, but God knows us, and knows we will not give up and we will remain steadfast in our commitment to adopt Amanda. We have purchased our airline tickets, we have our hotel reservation and deposit paid, and we have a court date; we will get everything else we need before we leave next Saturday!
If you could pray with us this next week we would appreciate it.
Oh Jesus, please give Kris peace that you are directing her steps in this last week before she travels.
Love, Joy,RR
I am praying that all will work out for your family. It has so far with all you have been through and I do not see God walking away from you anytime soon. God loves you and loves that beautiful angel of yours. He wants her home with her family and so do I.
I believe that you are right to share both the joys and the stresses of international adoption. As someone who also adopted 2 children from 2 different countries in such a short time period(and had a huge shock at the cost of adoption number 2), I completely understand where your thoughts are in this moment. We are praying that the money you need will be provided and we look forward to seeing Miss Amanda in your arms.
Thank you all for leaving your comments, they truly helped. Shelley, I wondered how anyone could adopt two so close together, you and another RR family have done so, it is very difficult financially, we have done well considering, remarkably so, but we do need that grant.
Less than one week and we get to meet our Amanda, i can;t believe it, it is such an amazing revelation to see and hold them the first time as you know.
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