I am growing up so fast!

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Amanda's age

Lilypie 4th Birthday PicLilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

God Doesn't Make Mistakes

For Amanda

Friday, June 20, 2008

One more thing

I am sure looking forward to sharing new pictures of Amanda with our blog readers, I know I can't wait to see her, hold her, and take NEW PICTURES!! LOL


GoldenAngelsWorks said...

Yahoo..... I can not wait....

Alice said...

Kris, I'm praying for your trip, your kids at home, and for your first meeting with Amanda! I hope everything goes smoothly this time. If you can get any news on Andres I would love an update! I can't wait to hear about Estonia.
Oh, thanks for the link, too.:)

Arizona mom to eight said...

Alice, thank you so much. If I can see him (don't know where he is now?)I will take pictures for you, and will ask Igor about him too.

carol said...

I am going to try this for the 3rd time today. Hopefully it will post this itme.
Hope you have a safe and uneventful trip. I will be watching the blog daily for updates. Cant wait to see that pic of you holding Amanda. Enjoy your time with Amanda and come home soon.
Carol N

amyl4 said...

I can't believe this day is finally here! I pray that your trip goes smoothly and that Meghan and Kara do fine without their mama for a little while. Pretty soon you will have Amanda home and your family will be complete! I can't wait to see pictures of your newest addition! God Bless!

Dolores said...

I'm excited for you Kris!!!

My three little girls

My three little girls
Finally got all three to smile at once