I met a man from Phoenix AZ adopting sisters today, they are beautiful girls, and they look so happy to be going to their new home. We shared a ride to the passport office, think we can share facilitation fees for that too? (wink)
For those families asking about children they hope to adopt, I tried to ask questions about them today but Igor was busy and could not talk. He has three families here right now, so he is working very hard. As in Ukraine with most people who helped us there, he seemingly runs everywhere, walking so fast I run to keep up, I thought I was used to chasing Yelena. No wonder they are thin and fit and I am not, perhaps I should try walking as fast as they back home, doing that while pushing a stroller should do it.
Amanda played a bit and she wanted to be held a lot. I can tell she is scared and sad, but she is curious too, and she has been all over the apartment checking things out.
Of course I did not expect her to love me or even like me in 5 days time, and I understand her behavior, but it can hurt a little when they do not return it right away when you have loved them from afar for so long. My only experience with this is with Kara, and it did take a good 3 weeks for her to really warm up to us, some days she would crawl away and leave us siting where we were, but it was not until she came back to Peremoga with me that we truly began bonding, so I should lighten up and not expect miracles, right? I truly don't, I just want her to be happy, content. We have a while for that adjustment to be complete.
We got the Passport paperwork in, we can expect to get that next week. Amanda has her immunizations (worried about mercury, but I can't say no, and that irritates me, this is her long term health I am talking about) on Tuesday, we pick up the passport on Wednesday as well, and later that day we have an appointment for her exit Visa. I think we will have all of her paperwork to return to America by Friday, amazing how simplified this process is here. I have non-refundable tickets, not the changeable as we could not afford them, though we can change them for a fee, there is always a fee. I wonder what the charge would be to change them if we indeed could come home earlier? Although I do think I will enjoy site seeing and would love to take photos to remember Tallinn, I want them for Amanda as she gets older, where she was born is always going to be important to us, we will make sure she knows about her home country.

Another thing Amanda has in common with Meghan is strabismus, Amanda's eyes do what Meghan's did when she tried to focus; one eye would turn in and the other would focus, but they could not do this at the same time. Dr Stidham (may he rest in peace) who was Meghan's pediatric opthamologist, said that eventually Meghan was lose the sight in one eye if her condition continued. So she had the surgery and it was successful, but he did say she would likely need tweaking, and she did, unfortunately Dr Stidham was murdered and was never able to do this second operation. Seems Amanda will also need the surgery, but while I had utmost trust in Dr Stidham's expertise and surgical skills, I am not impressed with the other doctor in town we saw. I find him impersonal, harried, and I guess when he said that Meghan needed a correction for appearance sake, but why bother, it was not a functional issue, we were put off by him. As if she did not care about her eyes wandering a little because she had Down syndrome? To be fair, other parents who take their kids to him love him.

Oh Girl, I am so happy for you!! I have been working over 16 hour days for a few weeks and am so behind. I've missed so much! She is beautiful and I am so happy for you! Much love and prayers! Sorry I hadn't been around to congratulate you sooner!!
Congrats momma on your new daughter!
I laughed so hard at that picture of a very upset Amanda. It was adorable and my kids had to come running to see what I was laughing at.
Glad she is eating more... don't worry about the bumps you and Amanda are going through ... it happens no matter where you are.
It sounds like alot of things are better for you this time around.
Both with the bonding (I know it takes time) and with all the legal paperwork.
It would be wonderful for you to come home early but it would also be wonderful for you to site see.
Don't forget to take alot of pics with Amanda in her home country.
You all do so wonderful with the girls and wanting them to know about where they are from.
I would worry if she didn't have an adjustment period. Hopefully tomorrow will be a much happier day. The faces are too cute.
I just love all of those different expressions on her face! She is just adorable!! It will be so neat to see her with Meghan and Kara! What a fun summer you are going to have!!:)
That second pic of her is classic and adorable! I can imagine how hard it must be to have her not love you from the get go, but you know that means she has healthy attachment. I just talked about this with my agency last night. Hopefully she will start warming up soon. So, why do you have to have the immunizations there? I'd be scared too.
I love all the pictures!!! so sweet! is vsd related to her smallness like asd was for my bree??? she is a preciuos gem! thanks for sharing with us! antoinette
Oh my her pcitures are adorable. I also had to laught at her unhappy baby picture.
I will pray that you get to come home early. That would be awesome. If not enjoy your site seeing. I am so glad she is bonding with you.I hope you are able to rest so you dont get sick. We dont want a sick mama like last time.
Take care know we are thing of you often.
carol n
She is so adorable ! Those faces were so precious ! Oh, that beautiful hair is going to grow so fast !
Maybe later you can ask Igor a question or two about my girl, if not, it's ok. I would love to know what orphanage she is in.
Still waiting on homestudy, almost all of dossier is done !!!!
Love the stories, don't stop !
She is transitioning so well !!!
I want to be there so badly !!!!
Charlotte and crew
I LOVE her upset face....oh my, she is a beauty. How wonderful that she has spunk! Praise God! Thank you for sharing your adventure with us! Praying for you and your safe return.
Thank you all for your comments,
I plan on getting as many pictures as I ca of Amanda near important landmarks, even if it is cliche :o). I hope she is happier today, I hear her in her playpen, she just woke up.
This summer is going to be a very full one, Meghan and Kara have seen Amanda sitting with me when we talk on Skype, neither are pleased that this interloper get s to be with mama and they do not. Adjuestments will come in time.
Estonia does not ask for the immunization waiver, something to think about asking the agency because apparently the American Embassy here will accept it, it was part of our embassy paperwork in Ukraine.
Antoinette, it very well could be, I am not certain of its size, but outwardly it doesn't appear to affect her.
Carol, we are resting well, once I can get asleep that is, I need to wait for the sun to sink some, the bright light is confusing.
Charlotte, I will try to find out about your girl, perhaps when things have calmed down some, I will also find out what I can about A and O for others.
June thank you for adding us to your prayers.
I can imagine that Meghan and Kara are not happy to see someone else taking mommy's attention. Hope to see many more photo's and try to enjoy the time you have there... You will be home with all those you love soon enough.... BOY WILL YOU HAVE YOUR HANDS FULL!!!
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