I am growing up so fast!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Amanda's age

Lilypie 4th Birthday PicLilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

God Doesn't Make Mistakes

For Amanda

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Zen baby

She looks like she is meditating, so wise, so serene...and with that, I am saying goodnight, it is midnight and the sun finally went down, though there is a thrum of music penetrating the windows, the celebration just a little ways away. Tom already feel asleep. Time to wash dishes, pick up, and head to bed.

Amanda went to sleep almost 3 hours ago.


Anonymous said...

you are truly blessed with another beautiful daughter.

GoldenAngelsWorks said...

I love that picture.
She looks so at peace.
Hope she is eating much better.
Sweet and peaceful dreams for the three of you.
Much good is coming in the morning... be ready to celebrate.
I know I will.

carol said...

I like the almost pic of you and Amanda. Looks like she is holding on to mama pretty tight.
Good luck tomorrow. Know we are praying for everything to go smooth. Will be looking for a update. Hope you can sleep.She looks so sweet in her pic.
carol n

Valda said...

LOVE the meditating picture!!! And the one of you and Amanda! She is such a precious doll!

My three little girls

My three little girls
Finally got all three to smile at once