I would love to be able to email each of you, but I did want you all to know how grateful I am for your support, prayers, and advice.
Responses to your comments"
Oh, :(. I know its not much coming from a complete stranger, but let us know if there is anything we can do for you? Take care and kiss your girls.
Thank you Debrah, it really does help to know we are not alone, and it truly is not the end of our world, it just makes it a little more interesting, right? I refuse to worry about Amanda's future yet, so much is being learned everyday.
Oh Kris.... just another thing you and the family need. Poor Amanda... hoping she would be able to adjust and get comfortable with her new home.Praying for all of you and know I am here for you.
Dawn, Thank you, you are always here for our family, and usually the first friend to leave comments for me. ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))
This is Ecki's blog: http://oppositekids.blogspot.com Her youngest daughter has Ds and Autism. We researched this issue a lot this year...signs and symptoms and treatment options. There are no easy answers.
Thank you Shelley, I checked her blog out, I will be going back again. Interesting that after I admitted Amanda was withdrawn, she because to be more affectionate. Loving little girl, we know it does not mean we were not right, but it is good to know she is beginning to trust us, maybe like us.
Praying for you all!
Thank you Alice, prayers help so much, bring so much comfort.
I'm praying for you and Amanda. Thankfully you are aware of the signs and have a lot of experience with autism. Amanda is blessed and will have the life she deserves with all of you as her family. She needed you. God Bless! Amy
Amy, I hope so, I spoke to a friend who said we should treat her autism and not her Down syndrome, though I admit, that seemed odd to me, it was the advice she was given. It is overwhelming to try to listen to advice right now. Prayers are appreciated.
I am so sorry . I don't know what to say. I hope you can find a Dr. in your area that can help you find therapy for her. If there is anything I can do please let me know. carol n
Carol, we see the pediatrician Wednesday, I can address our concerns to him then. Though no one here in Tucson has given me any names of doctors yet...looks like we find information ourselves.
My daughter Kayla (age 4) has DS/Autism. Shelley already mentioned my blog above, so if there's anything I can do to help, please let me know. There is a DS/Autism Yahoo group, although many of the kids on there are much older.
Thank you, I did visit your blog, loved it, there is so much there! I will be a frequent visitor. I truly do not enjoy groups when the children are significantly older, I tried one when Meghan was born and the advice was all about school, sexuality, puberty, and certainly did not help a mom with a baby. :o) Are you a member too?
Kris, I know several people whom have children with DS and Autism, but none of them with girls. I'm pretty sure there is a Yahoo group for the dual dx, let me check for you. Also, want to give you big cyber hugs and prayers. I know that it is a big scare to face a dual dx.
I have always wanted girls because I was so afraid if I had a son with DS, they would also have Autism (much higher percent then girls). But after meeting my friends Son Russel so many time. That fear eased in me.
I only knew parents with sons as well Gayla, that was one reason why we thought it was orphanage behavior, maybe post-adoption depression? Thank you for the cyber hugs and everything else you do to support our family! :o)
Is there any chance it's RAD? I don't know how often that occurs with DS, but it's somewhat common (that's maybe not the best word) for children who have been institutionalized, especially since birth.
Courtney I thought about that, there are definitely common characteristics with both, I am hoping and praying that it is not though, RAD is terrible, I know children can be helped, but it seems to tear families apart.
Kris if you want to talk privately let me know. I am a fully trained Autism Consultant and would love to try to help.
Cammie, thank you, I got your email, I have just been busy, I will contact you soon.
Praying here, too! We have a son with autism and I know those sad days of realization, too. The good news is that you know what to do and can help Amanda. Hang in there....
Julie, thank you for leaving a comment, I truly appreciate your support.