I bought this sweet little dress and hat last year for Amanda, It hangs in her closet waiting to travel to Estonia. I was hoping she could wear it out of the orphanage. I am still pinching myself that we get to take her from the orphanage the day after we get to Estonia! Wow, it was a month before Kara was released to us. Can you imagine, traveling for 18 hours and waking up the next day with a sweet angel in your arms!
I know the ladies in my Gymboree loops can appreciate me wanting the perfect "Gotcha day" outfit for my new daughter. What day can be more important than the day you meet your new baby girl? I think it will look pretty with her blond hair and blue eyes. I should have thought to get the matching cardigan, but at the time I did not want to go nuts getting new clothing because of the capriciousness of adoptions, I know things can go wrong, sometimes very wrong. I got very little for Kara or Amanda. That's not to say that they are going to be naked, I had vintage Gymboree in storage from Meghan's infancy that will fit. Kara has worn some of it. For the Gym Loops I will say some lines: Spring Showers ( one set was a gift from Marsha), Sweet Chic, Flower Power, Cherry Cherries, Butterfly, Indian Summer, and the extreme vintage of Mrs Goose, Hi Ho Sailor, Cape Cod, South Seas. Things I could not sell on eBay! Now I know why!
So nesting continues; I have a crib for Amanda, I am borrowing it from my dearest friend Becky, we hope to get her car seat soon. I wish I knew her shoe size, but I don't. I know she weighs-18-19 pounds at age 3, it seems to fit 18-24 month sizing. I would bet a size 5-6 T shoe. Kara wears a 5T!
I know that once we have Amanda home and things settle down, we can think about the matchy clothing and can return to Gymboree once more. :o) I can't believe I have missed 3 Gymbucks rounds, unheard of! I am also very bummed I missed the new poodle line, it was adorable.