Our Amanda (we hope and pray) after being woken up from a nap, check out the wild hair! LOL
We did not expect to come home from Ukraine with our adoption nest egg emptied, but that is the reality. We have to start over fundraising and we are afraid that Estonia may not allow us the time we need to raise the funds to adopt our Amanda. Please pray that they will wait, we simply cannot lose another little girl, and she already feels like one of us.
Many folks thought we would decide to just adopt Kara after we got home, but even in Ukraine we thought of Amanda too. She and Kara will be so funny together, and we already picture them playing with each other. Will we be busy? Heavens yes, but happily so!
I am selling Gold Canyon Candles to help raise money for our adoption (among other things) If you would like to purchase a candle, please email me through the blog. I will try to get a working link up soon. This is the company and the candles I have for sale: http://www.goldcanyoncandle.com/. You will need to order from me in order for me to get credit.
Thank you for reading our blog.
She's precious too. I know you can't wait to go and get her. Thank you for sharing. Martha S.
Kris - You have the cutest titles for your blog entries! Amanda is soooo cute!!! We are so happy for you and your sweet family!
Thanks Michelle and MArtha!
She is just a cutie pie!!!
That little face is just too cute.
I hope and pray that a miracle can happen again for your family so you can bring her home too.
Are you still selling the candles? I really like the jelly bean basket candle. I would love to purchase one through you if you are still doing the fundraiser. My email address is in my profile.
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