- Jacket
- Sweater
- Tops
- Pants
- Dresses
- Socks
- Shoes
- Pajamas
Personal care items:
- Diaper Bag
- Diapers
- Diaper wipes
- Baby wash
- Baby lotion
- Toys
- Washcloths (they just do not use them like we do)
- Blanket
- Books
Medicines to take, just in case:
- Adult and Children's Tylenol
- Adult and Children's Ibuprofen
- Children's Benedryl
- Children's Gas medication (to help pass gas)
- Children's tummy ache medicine
- Neosporin
- Band aids
- Pepto for adults
- Imodium
- Thermometer
- Antibiotic, just in case
After she leaves the orphanage, I will need food for her. I wonder if she chews her food? I need to be prepared for a soft food diet for her. I was lucky to have a store right down the street from me in Vorzel and a dining hall, but I wonder where I will shop and how we will eat in Tallinn? I would love to be as close to the orphanage as possible, but I do not know where I will stay? I know there is a bed and breakfast that other parents stayed at for $100 a night. It is the place recommended to us by other parents.
Gift Giving
It is the custom to bring gifts in Europe. Our paperwork says to bring 9; 6 small gifts for caregivers and nicer gifts for the orphanage director, doctor, etc. We will need a gift for the orphanage which can be toys, clothes etc. They ask that we don't bring stuffed toys. I do have a few blankets and a couple of homemade quilts for them. Any ideas for gifts would be appreciated.
It is never too early to get everything ready...