This is the message from God we prayed for and we are very grateful to the family who stepped forward to help us realize our dream to adopt our newest angel. We thank them from the bottom of our hearts.
The world is round, and the place which may seem like the end, may also be the beginning. ------------ Ivy Baker Priest
I do have to share that today is the first day in a long time that I feel a weight has lifted off my shoulders, raising our adoption fees is no easy task after adopting from Ukraine just 2 months ago. Besides our tax refund (and possibly refinancing our house AGAIN) funds are hard to come by. I really get discouraged when I see that political figures raise millions of dollars in a week and I can’t seem to raise a few hundred, and I thought (to be truthful) that if raising money was as hard as it has been for us, perhaps God was trying to tell us something. I have been praying along with my close friends and family for God's will to be shown to us in our Estonian adoption. The phone call we received today comes to all of us as a message that Amanda truly is the child God wants in our family. Please continue to pray for Amanda and our successful adoption.